buffrs lint

Lints your protocol buffers for the (Buffrs Protocol Buffer Rules)


buffrs lint


This command lints your local package (defined in proto/*.proto) for a set of rules defined in the (Buffrs Protocol Buffer Rules). They contain a set of rules ranging from style to package layout (like filenaming, package declaration etc.). This enables a common flavor to Buffrs packages which affect users.

One good example why this is required is the enforcement of euqality between the package declaration in the protocol buffers files (*.proto) and the Buffrs Package ID. This enables to expect that a Buffrs Package a declares the protocol buffer package a.* and prevents type colisions / ambiguity.


Given a Buffrs Package abc that contains a protocol buffer file with the following file (proto/xyz.proto):

syntax = "proto3";

package xyz;

Executing buffrs lint would return a rule violation:

PackageName (https://helsing-ai.github.io/buffrs/rules/PackageName)

  × Make sure that the protobuf package name matches the buffer package name.
  ╰─▶   × package name is xyz but should have abc prefix

  help: Make sure the file name matches the package. For example, a package with the name `package.subpackage` should be stored in `proto/package/subpackage.proto`.