buffrs help
Prints out information about how to use the CLI.
buffrs help [command]
When called by itself, this command lists all the supported commands along with a brief description.
When called with a command argument, it will provide specific help for that command.
Passing the -h
or --help
flags is equivalent to invoking this command.
> buffrs help
Modern protobuf package management
Usage: buffrs <COMMAND>
init Initializes a buffrs setup
lint Check rule violations for this package
add Adds dependencies to a manifest file
remove Removes dependencies from a manifest file
package Exports the current package into a distributable tgz archive
publish Packages and uploads this api to the registry
install Installs dependencies
uninstall Uninstalls dependencies
generate Generate code from installed buffrs packages
login Logs you in for a registry
logout Logs you out from a registry
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
> buffrs help init
Initializes a buffrs setup
Usage: buffrs init [OPTIONS] [PACKAGE]
[PACKAGE] The package name used for initialization
--lib Sets up the package as lib
--api Sets up the package as api
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version