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Secrets API


SopsFile dataclass

Bases: SecretProvider

This secrets provider decodes a SOPS-encrypted YAML or JSON file and serves the secrets stored within.

Nested structures are supported, and the provider maps them to fully qualified keys using dot notation. The nested structure can be accessed as well, returning the full structure as a JSON object.

do_not_use_in_prod_only_for_testing_sops_age_key: str | None = field(default=None, repr=False) class-attribute instance-attribute

The key to use for the --age option of SOPS. This is useful for testing purposes only and should not be used in production.

path: Path instance-attribute

The path to the SOPS-encrypted file. This path is resolved relative to the configuration file that the provider is defined in.


Tells the SOPS file format based on the file suffix. Never returns "binary". Returns None if the format cannot be determined.


KubernetesSecretProvider dataclass

Bases: SecretProvider

This secrets provider accesses a Kubernetes secret.

Needs to be provided with a Kubernetes #ApiClient on init.